Resistance, reveal thyself!
What does the anonymous letter to the NYT show us about the current state of governing?
Is there a consensus view among senior officials that we have an unfit president, or is this just a small cadre?
Do our adversaries perceive the US as a distracted nation of dithering nabobs?
What are Congressional leaders doing to find out the depth and magnitude of distress in our executive branch?
Has there been a virtual coup d'etat by (perhaps justifiably) concerned senior officials?
What are the potential reactions from the prez over the revelations in the Woodward book and NYT letter, and what should be done to prepare?
Where are comments from other former presidents that will help us understand the impact of this situation?
Was all the justifiable praise of John McCain about civic virtue mere hypocrisy, a sentimental interlude in the dysfunction of Washington?
etc, etc
This is no way to guide our ship of state. This end-run around constitutional process is alarming.
All indicators are flashing "invoke 25th amendment". ("Impeach" flashers have been ignored by our supine Congress)
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