Thursday, December 1, 2016

Trump conflicts issues

Well if you needed any more evidence of our journalists coming up short, now it is clear.  The complex and unprecedented challenges faced by the president-elect over his businesses should have been aired out during the campaign.  But I don't recall ever hearing or seeing the discussions now before us.  If you did contact me or comment.

Trump's potential challenges should not be a new issue.  Our journalist crowd should have raised these matters as long ago as the primaries, and during the debates and numerous interviews before November 8.  Especially since the potential effect on US policy requires airing and discussion. 

I guess our zinger-seeking crowd didn't think the subject would elevate ratings.  Better to keep in simple, and let the trumpster manipulate them. 

Whatever you think of the president-elect, this big issue for him and for the country was entirely missed by the softball crowd.


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