Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Party Before All

If you needed proof that some of our politicos put the party before the country, the posturing after Justice Scalia's death provide some evidence.  Promises (threats) not to hold hearings on any nominee, suggestions that the president not even nominate anyone surely demonstrate bad faith and a lack of governing dignity.

The Supreme Court is one of three co-equal branches of government.  As currently structured the Court is comprised of nine justices, a good idea if you want to avoid ties on grave issues.  Those who propose to delay or block completing the Court's full complement show they care far less for Constitutional integrity than for a short-term political score.  We need a court of 9 justices, President Obama should nominate his preferred candidate and the Senate should fulfill its advise and consent role.

Waiting a year because of any reason put forth is an insult to the US citizenry.


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