Monday, December 31, 2012

The Cliff

Something rarely mentioned by those ruminating about how we got to this sorry state - redistricting.  Our politicos have gerrymandered us into a place entirely contrary to our founders' intentions.  They knew that faction would always challenge our republic.  Therefore, they encouraged diversity in legislative districts to promote discussion, compromise, competition on political issues.  The Federalist Papers are clear on this issue, again and again, but especially in Federalist #10. 

Instead, our parties have been allowed to create districts where there is little competition and almost no need to compromise.  Woe to the progressive who is a minority in a safe conservative district - there is little chance of real debate on issues when the incumbent has no fear of defeat.  There is no need to stand toe-to-toe with a challenger and trade principled argument to air both sides of every issue.  Faction overrides real discussion, and we have fulfilled Madison and Hamilton's concerns.  Without real competition on political issues, worthy ideas can wither, and wrongheaded positions stand without being tested or challenged.  Their phrase was "ambition will counteract ambition", and they worried that the interests of the minority would be overridden.

I don't know about you, but I prefer the wisdom of our founders to the current passel of knuckleheads who cannot even protect the full faith and credit of the U.S.  We need to consult the wise heads of our founding generation and get out from under this pox on our republic.


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