Tuesday, January 1, 2008

presidential power and the candidates

The Boston Globe recently submitted questions to the candidates to elicit their views on presidential power. It is worth reading not only for insight into each candidate's professed views on issues like habeus corpus and signing statements. The lack of response by several is also instructive, as is the generalized response that seems too careful or perhaps evasive.

The current administration has attempted expanded powers based on a war powers view that is unprecendented. Whether or not you agree with Bush policies, his administration's actions pose a threat to basic separation of powers that should be alarming. Specific actions - like more than 750 signing statements - pose particular problems for our form of government.

A president takes an oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the US - and the oath was set out by the framers. Executive action contrary to that oath poses a threat to the founders intent and is a violation of that oath.

Now would be a good time for all of us to read the Constitution so we can make an informed judgment.


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