Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tearing the flesh from our body politic

It appears that our system of government is beginning to work. Helped along by the testimony of Deputy Attorney General Comey, it should be apparent to anyone who cares about the rule of law that our executive branch needs to be reined in. They are tearing the flesh from the body politic.

We are way past time that we need assertive action to root out those who would compromise our republican system, and trample on our principles. Now it is time to let the great machinery of checks and balances take its course, but assertively. For those who would trade our heritage for their view of government are not to underestimated.

We may finally see that our leaders understand that, truly, the interests of the nation are more important than advancing those of a party. Those who took the oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution need to honor their promise.


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