Friday, May 24, 2019

Lack of Courage infects our political class

Rather than stand up and debate ideas, based on the quality of proposals and adherence to rules, now we are presented with bald-faced propaganda. A doctored video to create a false impression of the Speaker's fitness to serve, her mental acuity. Ironic in the extreme, and also dangerous in the extreme. Those of us who DO know history recognize this for what it is, and are startled that Trump supporters would emulate the most vile regimes in the 20th century, for the sake of a fragile ego. Rather than stand up to this man without principles, the Dems worry about the political consequences. They need to proceed to remove the president from office. There are many counts beyond the Mueller report on which an impeachment can be based. Don't allow the focus on the Mueller document to fog the many other ways in which our president is demonstrably unfit.


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