Friday, May 24, 2019

Lack of Courage infects our political class

Rather than stand up and debate ideas, based on the quality of proposals and adherence to rules, now we are presented with bald-faced propaganda. A doctored video to create a false impression of the Speaker's fitness to serve, her mental acuity. Ironic in the extreme, and also dangerous in the extreme. Those of us who DO know history recognize this for what it is, and are startled that Trump supporters would emulate the most vile regimes in the 20th century, for the sake of a fragile ego. Rather than stand up to this man without principles, the Dems worry about the political consequences. They need to proceed to remove the president from office. There are many counts beyond the Mueller report on which an impeachment can be based. Don't allow the focus on the Mueller document to fog the many other ways in which our president is demonstrably unfit.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Ignorance - willful or otherwise

When asked whether there would be war with Iran, Sarah Sanders blurted out "that's the president's decision". No! The framers reserved the authority to go to war for the Congress. That was reinforced by the War Powers Act. The president MUST consult the Congress before committing our armed forces to war. The Constitution reads that the president will be the Commander in Chief of the armed forces "when called into the actual service of the United States" Congress calls them into service. BTW Sarah, the authorization of force of 2002 doesn't cover action against Iran. That Congressional authorization was to deal with Al Qaeda and those who harbored terrorists.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Where is Congress? Where is the Press?

What is the source of Trump's authority to impose a tariff without Congressional approval? Article I of the Constitution gives the power to tax and raise revenue to Congress. If there is an emergency provision in some law somewhere, it should be challenged, either on the basis of Article I powers, or on the president's improper application of the provision. Why is Congress allowing this, the trampling of norms? Why is the press asking where is the authority? The Iran nuclear agreement is either a treaty that the Senate should have approved, or an agreement that should require oversight and cooperation of Congress. How can any president merely with the stroke of a pen abrogate treaty obligations undertaken by the country and its important allies? Where is Congress in allowing this? Where is the press challenging the idea of presidential authority? We now hear that our military has moved offensive weapons close to Venezuela, and to the Strait of Hormuz. I read that a GOP Senator wants to be sure that the executive branch (John Bolton) answers questions to Congress on what plans are in place, and to obtain the approval of Congress for military action. But he is a lone voice at this point. At least the press picked up on it today - a very brief mention. Too much deference to the president, crushing of norms, and our GOP is AWOL.