Words matter
Sure it's terrible that our government has separated kids from parents. What is worse is they may not be able to reunite the kids with parents for a very long time. And the refusal to provide access to congressmen and journalists inside the place where these folks are kept is not worthy of a democracy. Plus, the dispersion of kids around the country shows a callous disregard for humanity.
But, please please let's avoid the use of "the Nazis" as an accurate or apt label to describe what is happening. However bad it is, and it's surely very bad, what the Nazi regime did to other human beings is far, far worse than what we are seeing now. Separating kids from parents is something the SS did - yes - but what happened to these people afterward, and the conditions in which they lived, is far beyond this disgrace.
I suspect those who use the term are outraged and grasp for the epithet that satisfies their need to express their outrage. But, using such an extreme term risks a reaction that blunts the effect intended. It may be that those who use the term "Nazi" simply do not understand the cruel horrors and unspeakable devastation that Germans imposed on captured people.
Still, where is our Congress??!! Grow a pair and get this taken care of!!