Thursday, April 20, 2017

The media Hyperbolic Chamber

What is it with the inflated language used by electronic media folks.  I know it's about ratings, and the competition is tough (not huge).  But words matter, and the words we use project newsworthy information in an influential (not powerful) manner.

When a price goes up somewhat more than usual, it "skyrockets". Yikes

Most of them don't seem to know the difference between "powerful" and "influential", or "authoritative"

Speaking of which, in a democracy most officials don't actually serve at the pleasure of the president; instead, they serve under his sole authority.  The former term is more appropriate to describe a monarch or a despot.  (There are exceptions of course.)

We hear about "chaos" in the White House, when actually it is likely some dysfunction and disorder, but not the extreme situation connoted in the word "chaos".

And whenever we tune in, we are presented with "Breaking News"  even though the news may be days old.  (sigh of relief)

So let's stop behaving like 12 year olds, using "huge" instead of far more descriptive options. After all you are in the communication business, and we already have enough adolescent talk from our public officials.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Sabre rattling - where is Congress?

Now that our president is moving more assertively with America's military power, past time for Congress to debate and either provide, and perhaps limit, or deny authorization for military action.

All we hear now from CNN, MSNBC, Fox is the awesome power and newfound foreign policy interest.  The Constitution reads "the President shall be the C-in-C of the armed forces, when called into action".  How do they get called into action?  Congress

The War Powers Act places limits in the absence of a declared war.  Tomahawks have been flung in anger.  Clock is ticking on notification and authorization rules.

No more reliance on a 13 year old authorization of force.  We need a debate and renewed understanding of how and when to use our military.  We need it now, before any more adventures by Trump with his "my military" point of view.

Where is the Congress!?