Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The concerns over Faction are coming true

 So, the vote came up short on the Jan. 6 Commission. But wait, 54 to 35 means that 60% of Senators who bothered to show up to vote said yes!

If you're going to keep the filibuster at least make the person get up and speak instead of cloture being defeated by the mere threat of a filibuster.
Senate and House rules which interfere with normal Constitutional functioning should be changed, including the filibuster. Haven't our political parties already done too much "tinkering" with the founders' design:
- winner take all rules that undermine the electoral college
- gerrymandering safe districts allows incumbents to avoid actual debate on the issues
- exemptions for members of Congress on insider trading rules
- increase in political appointees for key positions, when civil servants are better for competent government
- farces like the bad faith handling of Garland's SCOTUS nomination.
(I may have finally come around to term limits)
Fellow citizens --- where is the outrage?

Plain Talk about our Congress

 Mitch McConnell's pledge to obstruct any initiative taken by the Biden administration - you know, the one over 80 million citizens voted for - constitutes legislative malfeasance.  It means in practical terms that our government will not function properly.  Those who support Mr. McConnell are implicitly in favor of a stalled, ineffective government.  

Yet another example of Madison's warning about the dangers of faction to our democratic republic.  Whatever happened to the loyal opposition?  Instead we have a disloyal, obstructionist party which protects its prerogatives - and cushy jobs - at the expense of the good of the nation.  

Unpatriotic is what we call that sort of behavior.