Friday, December 28, 2018

Let History Judge

We are long past the threshold at which this president should be removed. He is so patently unfit, a pathological liar, ignorant and dangerous. Rumors from the Middle East, per Wesley Clark, that Trump's children are in danger - presumably from Putin or some other political Grendel - are actually believable. That is how strange and disturbing our time has become. Mattis gone, the Syria decision, smashing of norms, his extensive "acting" cabinet and still the Congress does not act. The Senate in particular has abandoned its role as intended by our founders, and performed by tradition. One of the serious consequences of inaction, of the Faustian bargain by McConnell and his team (to get a bankrupting tax cut and judges of the right stripe installed) could be actual armed clashes. Rather than acting to remove this guy when it became obvious he should be removed, the Senate has allowed the continuing disaster inflate Trumps supporters' sense of right. They are emboldened by the constant reinforcing acts and statements that amplify their convictions. The longer this goes on the more likely a departure before 2020 could be messy, and we could seethe politically. Mueller's report will surely be damning, and broadly. Let's hope the revelations are enough to convince even supporters that a new course is necessary.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Something Else is going on ... or not

All the revelations about the Trump family and cast of characters last week are cause for great concern, if unsurprising. We are beginning to get clarity on the role of money, the Russian connections and the threat of unconstitutional behavior by the president. But there is something more important, in spite of the lack of attention by the media. Our government is not functioning well. Little is being accomplished by the Congress. Trump's administrative team devotes its energy to blustering, lies, obfuscation. Our elected representatives spend more time posturing than actually guiding our ship of state. Shameful. So, instead of the constant chatter and speculation on what is behind the redacted Mueller documents - surely important but at this point opaque - we should be discussing the impact of our slow crawl government. Policy matters are bandied about like political footballs rather than serious discussion. Isn't it obvious that other nations, especially those that want to harm us, notice our gaggling and distraction?? That makes us vulnerable, and we are already wounded by the apparent invitation to Vladimir Putin by conspirators to disrupt our fundamentals. The higher channels have their moments of insight and analysis, yes. But there is too much gossip over matters that are yet to be revealed. Let's focus on getting our governing class to "straighten up and fly right".

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Public Virtue

Now we have two recent deaths of men who demonstrated public virtue.  George Bush 41 and John McCain provide examples of how public people should conduct themselves.  Will others in our current crop of politicos take notice, discard their bad-faith activities and start doing what is right for the country?

The Russia probe appears to be coming to a climax, and there is more than one active probe now being piloted by Mr. Mueller.  It's going to be an ugly tableau once it's fully laid out before the American public and the world.  Once the Dems control the levers in the House, the drama will be ever more enthralling, and disturbing.

I still predict Trump will resign rather than face impeachment.  But it might be too late if his infractions went too far.