Thursday, January 18, 2018

Separation of Powers lesson needed

This stopgap measure discussion has revealed a surprising fact.  Mitch McConnell doesn't understand the separation of powers, the co-equal branches of government.

How do I know?  He said on camera he wants to know what Trump will support before he puts a bill up for a vote.  He doesn't want the Senate to "spin its wheels".

MITCH!  Pass the bill that the Senate wants to enact; if the President doesn't sign it, vetoes it, then OVERRIDE his veto. 

That's how it was designed by the founders of our country.  Being deferential to any president, especially this guy, undermines the co-equal role of the Senate and the Article I branch.

One more example of our well-designed system of government being ground to dust by operator error.

Friday, January 12, 2018

The New Radical Repulicans

We commonly hear that the GOP are a conservative lot.  But if you're thinking in terms of the notable and principled conservatives of past times - that is, 10 years ago and before - you would be mistaken.

The GOP in the current Congress have set about to overturn many key traditions, including regular order in both chambers, fiscal responsibility, and a commitment to traditional mores. And, Gerrymandering districts to allow Reps to avoid the marketplace of ideas.

They fail utterly to confront the lies and adolescent behavior coming out of the White House; plus the undermining of the FBI and CIA, assault on the freedom of the press, damaging of the alliance system that served us well for 75 years, and a failure to challenge Russia and it's outrageous behavior.

No, this crowd is not conservative - it is Radical, out to upend the foundations of governmental structure and tacitly endorsing indecency.  Willing to impeach a president who lied about consensual sex, they are unwilling to impeach a president who lies about everything, and knows almost nothing about governing.

This is the faction that Madison and Hamilton warned us about, gone wild.

They are tearing the flesh from the body politic.