Say it isn't so
Our representatives are in a position to make decisions for the good of the country, more so now than ever. But I keep hearing that getting re-elected is the most important goal of folks in office. Say it isn't so, when all take an oath to the Constitution. McConnell famously said the GOP's most important task was to make sure Barack Obama did not get re-elected - so there's an exception - rather than deal with the important issues facing the nation.
Are you, as I am, tired of seeing speeches to an empty House chamber - compare that to a session of the British House of Commons? Of hearings where a political agenda drives questions too often? Of the written statements, read so clumsily that one wonders whose thoughts are actually being presented? Of House and Senate members who fail to call an outrageous or foolish act of statement for what it is, out of party loyalty?
I could go on. The men and women of the US House and Senate to up their game, and we as citizens need to elect better people to represent our interests and guide our ship of state.