Saturday, March 18, 2017

Trumpcare, Ryancare question

There seem to be lots of flaws with the new bill to replace the ACA.  But neither those who defend the bill nor those who criticize it look at how the insurance industry will be affected, how they will react and adjust.

It seems to me there is a questionable assumption in all the discussions about the new law.  Journalists should pursue the question of whether there will even be insurance available under the law as proposed.  Insurers may withdraw from the market.  If not, prices will likely increase, and if so by how much? 

With the mandate to purchase under the ACA gone, the risk spectrum changes and the certainty that younger, healthier people will spend insurance premium $ is gone.

Our media mavens need to get a couple of health insurers on their shows and ask them what will happen.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Immigration Bad Faith

There are two sides to this immigration issue.  One is the people here illegally.  Fair enough.

The other issue, never covered or questioned, is that employers hire illegal immigrants, and do so contrary to the laws of the state and the U.S.  Do you really think people would come to the U.S. if they were not convinced they would have a means of livelihood as millions do?  Even when they do not follow the proper procedure?

Let's at least be honest and pay attention to the employers who are complicit in this overall national issue.  Should we ignore the violation of laws against hiring undocumented immigrants by employers?  Seems unfair, and an incomplete resolution